Instructional: General Practice Drills

As well as putting, short game, bunker shots iron play, and driving you also need to think of your swing, stretching, what to do at the range and other things. In this article we give you our top drills.

Instructional: General Practice Drills

There are a great deal of general drills that can help in all different areas of our game, for instance knowing how your divot can show you were you're going wrong.

So, after speaking to PGA professional and researching coaching manuals we've managed to build up this comprehensive set of quick and easy drills you can use to practice away from the course.

So check out our guides to...

1. The perfect divot drill

2. Top five range drills

3. Keep wrists firm drill

4. Drag bag with club drill

5. Top five warm up stretches
    Jiménez warm up

And make sure you take a look at the... 

Golf Practice Drills index


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