Survey reveals the HUGE benefits of golf for mental health
A staggering 98% said that golf helps relieve stress and improve mental health.

After golf courses were forced to close when Boris Johnson placed England under a third national lockdown to prevent the rapid rise in coronavirus cases, golfers across the country joined forces by starting a petition to have the topic debated in parliament. Many men and women play golf not only for the physical benefits, but for the mental benefits too and now, thanks to a survey conducted by the Golf Travel Centre, we know just how important of a role golf plays in mental health.
Towards the end of 2020, the Golf Travel Centre conducted a new study in an attempt to see how golf impacts mental health.
The results were recently sent in to GolfMagic and a staggering 98% of those who were asked said that golf helped them relieve stress and improve their mental health.
Seeing friends and family is of course a very difficult thing to do at the moment due to the current Covid restrictions and 81% said that they rely on golf in order to do so.
The social benefits of golf have always been one of the most important aspects of our sport and from the survey, 92% responded that golf allows them to meet new people.
Sean Gay, Founder of Sober Golfers Society, a society connecting like minded-people who no longer drink through golf days, golf tours and tournaments, said: “Golf is the most powerful therapy for men and women to talk about problems in an open and friendly setting. You can’t beat walking for 4 hours in nature, having a laugh, playing golf with fellow club members and just having a release from that exhausting week at work. It’s been huge in my sobriety as I really enjoy my time on the course with no hangovers or chaos going on in the background in my life.”
For more details about the Golf Travel Centre survey, click here, or visit their website for more information.
NEXT PAGE: How high should you really tee up your golf ball? Here's the answer...
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