Golf rules: Am I able to move a MASSIVE nearest to the pin marker like this?

What do you do in this situation?

Golf rules: Am I able to move a MASSIVE nearest to the pin marker like this?
Golf rules: Am I able to move a MASSIVE nearest to the pin marker like this?

Millions of people who play golf are part of societies. 

They are fun days where you can rock up to meet your pals, grab a coffee and a bacon roll and then head out onto the course.

You've got alcohol waiting for you halfway round and then even more cold pints waiting for you at the 19th. 

But sometimes these golf days are marred by people accusing others of playing fast and loose with the rules or downright cheating. 

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Sometimes we are faced with peculiar situations on the course. 

A fun one came into the folks over at the @golfrules_questions, posing an interesting question. 

The image reveals a massive nearest to the pin marker right next to the hole. 

Are you able to move it?

As per rules 15.2, you are permitted to leave the marker there and make a stroke. 

Or you may lift the marker and get it out of the way as it is a movable obstruction. 

You are not allowed to move it to a spot that will improve your play. 

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