Internationally acclaimed violinist Igor Milicic–Brandstäetter (30) aims to add another string to his bow by training to be a golf pro.
Igor has begun his fast track PGA diploma course and aims to become the first PGA trained professional golfer out of his homeland, Serbia & Montenegro.
He studied the violin in Geneva and London, but has played golf since he was 23 years old and is currently undertaking the three-year course under the guidance of PGA instructor David Ashton at Clostermanns Hof Golf Club in Cologne, Germany.
He says:"I think music really can be the key to success with any sport, but especially golf. The calming influence and the ability to concentrate on your swing cannot be underestimated.
"It is important to maintain a reasonable level of fitness in whichever walk of life you come from and I hope that training to become a golf professional will help to show how this can be done."
He already holds a degree from a Germany university, and hopes to complete his training a year ahead of the traditional schedule.
Director of education at the PGA headquarters at The Belfry in Birmingham, Dr. Kyle Phillpots says: "For students like Igor, who have friends and family spread across the globe, PGA membership is particularly suitable as they are able to take up work anywhere in the world."
To be eligible for the fast track programme, students must already hold a relevant degree and have a handicap of four or better for men and up to six for women.
"The course is structured to enable students to acquire particular knowledge, skills and understanding relevant to their potential role as coaches, administrators and/or business managers," says Dr Phillpots.
The five major subjects covered during the training programme include: business management, swing theory and practice, equipment technology, rules and tournament organisation and sports science.
Igor adds: "I will be the first PGA professional to come out of Serbia & Montenegro and will be proud to be able to teach my fellow countrymen and musician friends the benefits of playing golf."
Does music, with its rhythm and tempo, help you with your golf? Tell us on the forum.