Mizuno ST200 Drivers make their first appearance on PGA Tour

Mizuno reveals sneak peek at its stunning new ST200 Drivers...

Mizuno ST200 Drivers make their first appearance on PGA Tour

After a first outing at Japan’s ZOZO Championship, Mizuno’s upcoming ST200 driver line up was back out for testing at last week's RSM Classic at Sea Island GC.

Three new drivers – the ST200G, ST200 and ST200X all made an appearance.

Mizuno ST200 Drivers make their first appearance on PGA Tour
Mizuno bag of Keith Mitchell
Mizuno ST200 Drivers make their first appearance on PGA Tour
Donald in discussion with Mizuno technicians

Mizuno’s Luke Donald, Keith Mitchell and Chris Kirk took their drivers out for further course testing – alongside Mizuno’s technicians.  Mitchell, Schenk and Glover had all hit the new drivers at the ZOZO Championships alongside Mizuno’s stable of Japanese players at the back end of October.


Mizuno ST200 Drivers make their first appearance on PGA Tour
The returning Chris Kirk had an ST200X out for testing.

The first drivers in play were reported to be Erika Hara on the Japanese ladies tour (ST200X) and a non-contracted player (ST200) at Sea Island.

The Mizuno ST200, Mizuno ST200G and Mizuno ST200X drivers are expected to be available to the public by February 2020.

Mizuno ST200 Drivers make their first appearance on PGA Tour
Mizuno’s new ST200G on the US workshop

Mizuno ST200 Driver Testing

Last month's ZOZO Championship gave Mizuno’s Japan based R&D team a rare opportunity to complete further ST200 driver testing with its US contracted players.

As a result of testing, Mizuno fast tracked its upcoming metalwoods onto the USGA confirming lists. 

Mizuno ST200 Drivers make their first appearance on PGA Tour
Mizuno ST200 on the US Mizuno workshop

"The ZOZO Championship proved to be a really valuable event for Mizuno – with all our key people at one place at one time," said Mizuno's PGA Tour manager Jeff Cook.

"Mizuno is the one Japanese club manufacturer that’s completely relevant in the west – so it’s the one time we get to have home advantage.

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