WATCH: Golfer chunks shot then does Tiger Woods club twirl!
We all love a club twirl, even if we do fat the golf ball...
A video is doing the rounds on social media this week after a golfer chunked his shot 40 yards in front of him while giving a Tiger Woods club twirl for the cameras.
Check out below! We can all relate to this...
To help cure a fat golf shot, Master professional Duncan Woolger is on hand to give you some helpful tips to ensure you never hit one of these ugly shots again.
All Duncan wants you to do is put some tape on the ground when you're next on the range. It will dramatically help with your ball striking and ensure you don't hit the ground too far before the ball, or chunk your shots...
"If you're hitting too far before the ball or chunking your shots, it means the bottom of your swing is occurring far too far before the golf ball," says Duncan.
"In this case you would hit the tape. I want you to get some tape on the ground, one clubhead length behind the golf ball. This will steepen your angle of attack, moving the bottom of your arc further forward, meaning you will get the golf ball and then the ground.
"This will help you hit longer, straighter and more consistent golf shots."