Nude golfers take one for the team!

English students among those suspended by Kansas college

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Drive for show...Bethany college students tee up for a saucy picture

Four golf scholarship students from England were among those banned from representing their college team in Linsborg, Kansas, after posing nude for a photograph which appeared on a social network site.

Team captain John Hiscock from Swindon, Ben Johnson from London, Matt O'Neill from Warrington and James Tisdale from Liverpool were originallly given a three-match ban by their head coach Jon Daniels after the image of the Bethany College team, covering their private parts with only driver heads was spotted.

However, after an appeal by Hiscock, the suspension was reduced to one match.

Bethany is a small Lutheran school in the Midwest that plays in several tournaments with other christian schools and it takes a dim view of bringing its name into disrepute.

Said Daniels: "I've been around a long time and i think this is a case of young people who just don't think beyond the moment and don't realise who they're hurting."

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