Golf strippers raise cash!

How one Society got down to the bare essentials all in the cause of charity. Find out more...

Golf strippers raise cash!

Golf strippers raise cash!
’June’ boys on the march.

The Bullpitts golf course, near Borton, Dorset had never seen anything like it.

Twelve golfers from Gillingham and Shaftesbury, bared all in the cause of charity and raised £1,000 for the Julia House Dorset Children’s Hospice Service from a saucy calendar.

The players, all members of The Stag Society discarded their polo shirts, diamond pattern sweaters and trousers to ‘Carry on Regardless’ for a secret photo-shoot on the fairways and greens.

The society’s Eddie Wareham revealed: "We all had last minute jitters, but after we had completed the first pictures it was okay."

Golf strippers raise cash!
’October’ Halloween quartet.

The owners agreed to close the course during the shoot. However, they could do nothing about a nearby public footpath.

"A few people walking their dogs had a bit of a
surprise," said Eddie, " but it was all in good humour when they realised it was all for a good cause.

"We’re pleased we did it and all had a good laugh."

Golf strippers raise cash!

The cheque presentation was made to the charity’s Ann Scovell by (from the left): Steve Discombe, Paul Henson, Mark Fishenden, Eddie Waheham and Paul Sanger.

The Stag Society has already donated funds from previous activities to the hospice but next time plan to organise a more orthodox video race night – with customers and organisers fully-clothed.

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