Gator and python wrestling match halts golf game
Python's head spotted in mouth of gator.

Now here's something you don't see everyday on the golf course. A python wrapped around an alligator.
Dr. Richard Nadler was golfing with friends when he came across a back-up at the 10th hole at Fiddler's Creek Golf Club in Florida.
"The gator and python were absolutely still," he said.
"There was no grappling going on, nothing. The python's head was in the mouth of the alligator and the alligator was just sitting there absolutely still with his eyes wide open not moving. And he had all these people around him these golf carts and people walking around taking photographs."
Nadler said he never expected the response the photos would get on social media.
"I mean alligators are an everyday thing. Having them fight for their life and so on is a bigger thing, but the comments that I read, it was very interesting," Nadler told local station WFTS.
Several people said that the 'battle' ended with the alligator dragging the snake into the water.