Win a Cobber neck wrap

We've got 15 to give away in a free-to-enter competition for Golfmagic members. Simply tell us what makes you hot under the collar.

Win a Cobber neck wrap

Win a Cobber neck wrap
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Cooling Cobber neck-ties

Does golf sometimes get you too hot under the collar – both physically and emotionally? Of course it does.

Now here’s a new product that will help you cool down when the sun gets too warm or those fluffed chips and three-putts are driving you to distraction.

The Cobber body-cooling neckwrap was designed and introduced by Australians – who love their sport and will claim any advantage they can to keep ahead of the opposition – especially the Brits.

Win a Cobber neck wrap
Davenport cools off

So if you can’t beat ‘em join ‘em – that’s why The Cobber (price £13.50) is now making an impact in the UK having already made its mark in the US, where professional tennis players like Lindsay Davenport have already used it to keep their emotions and body heat under control.

The neck-tie is filled with poly-crystals and by placing it in clean water for about half an hour and allowing the crystals to expand, it produces an evaporative cooling system for sportsmen and women when worn around the neck.

The Cobber lowers body temperature by cooling the carotid arteries in the neck. Continuous moisture from The Cobber surrounding the warmth of the neck allows evaporation to take place, thus acting as a cooling system. You only need to rotate the outside edge towards the neck to maximise the cooling effect.

Win a Cobber neck wrap
The Cobber package

Other benefits include that it does not require refrigeration. It’s cool and dry against the skin, reduces headache pain when worn as a headband, helps relieve swelling in sprained ankles and wrists.

The nick-tie is available in a wide range of colours including eight solid, eight with aboriginal designs and 22 other assorted patterns and tartans.

We have 15 Cobbers, to give away. For a chance to win, tell us on this forum thread what in golf makes you hot under the collar and why you would be a deserving recipient. We’ll choose 15 responses when the competition closes on August 21.

For further information contact Bodycool Industries (UK) Ltd, 9 Fountayne Road, London, N16 7EA (0208 442 4555).

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