21st century buggies and trollies

The latest hi-tech electric-powered bag carriers from Powaglyda and Stewart Golf. Plus a souped up buggy from Club Car.

21st century buggies and trollies

21st century buggies and trollies
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Powaglyda – scoots along

Two new golf club transporters have been launched both of which claim to revolutionise the sport – the ride-on Powaglyda and the streamlined Special Edition X1 from Stewart Golf.

Both using 21st century technology they could both be a popular and eye-catching features on our UK golf courses soon.


is three-wheel buggy which you stand on like a scooter, with your clubs strapped on ahead of you for easy access and a basket to take your accessories including drinks, waterproofs and scorecard.

It’s powered by a 500w brushed electric hub motor and with its twist-grip throttle on the handlebars, will neatly folds into the boot of a family hatchback. It has a range of 15-20 miles and can carry a total of 60kg plus its rider.

21st century buggies and trollies
Torrance and his trolley companion

Inventor of the Powaglyda, David Jackson, says its main benefits are that you can stand on it and complete all 18 holes without feeling exhausted and it is competitively priced at £749. With the current powered scooter craze it could soon catch on, especially for younger newcomers to the game.

Indeed many courses have expressed an interest in leasing the Powaglyda to rent to members and visitors, says managing director Nick Childs from manufacturers Powabyke, in Bath (01225 448806).

Meanwhile leading trolley-maker Stewart Golf from Gloucestershire has signed former Ryder Cup captain Sam Torrance to promote its latest X1Special edition (£1299) and X1R during the London Golf Show at the Excel Centre on April 23.

Director Mark Stewart says the remote-controlled X1 SE makes use of a specially manufactured multi-tone material, which claims to transform from a deep royal blue to a striking emerald green purple and gold when viewed in differing light conditions.

Also on show will be the manual X1M (£699). Call 0870 350 18 18 for your nearest stockist.

21st century buggies and trollies
Club Car – hot stuff

And finally, Club Car, which along with its rival E-Z-GO has its worldwide HQ in the US Masters home town of Augusta, Georgia, has collaborated with Porsche to introduce one of the world’s speediest golf carts.

Porsche Engineering Group has taken two Club Car Precedents to create two prototypes for Hans-Peter Porsche, to use at Alcanada golf course in Majorca.

They have been styled to resemble Porsche's Cayenne sports utility vehicle with headlights, grill, 20-inch wheels. and oval exhaust pipes. It’s powered by a
3.2-bhp electrics motor and can reach a top speed of 15 mph in just 10 metres!

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