Golf tip: Anti-slice advice
Drag the right foot to stop the shoulders spinning

We all know that the vast majority of golfers slice the ball off to the right (as right-handers) - but few of us know why.
In my experience as a coach and playing with amateur golfers in pro-ams on the European Seniors Tour, I know that when a golfer slices a shot, the shoulders spin open too much on the downswing which causes the club to attack the ball on an out-to-in swing arc.
When the shoulders spin open, a chain reaction is set in motion that affects the rest of the body, in particular the hips and legs. The momentum of the shoulders opening pulls the right hip out which in turn pulls the right leg out. The results is that we finish in the classic position of someone who habitually slices the ball.
Many will have worked on the correct shoulder move on the downswing, but are still slicing. And if you're one of them, try this drill to help bring the club down on in-to-out path to promote a draw.
Take up your normal stance but before hitting the ball drag the right foot back about 12 inches. It will look as though your feet are aiming too far to the right of the target but the shoulders will still be aiming correctly.
Start to hit a few shots from this position and you'll discover that by anchoring the right foot in this way it makes it virtually impossible for the leg to be pulled out and round. In turn this disciplines the right hip to stay back and stops the shoulders from spinning open.
It might take a few hits before the hands realise they must release the club, but after a few short practice sessions, the shoulders will stop spinning open and the downswing will start to attack the ball from the inside.
Watch Miguel Angel Jimenez. He uses a similar pre-shot routine before each full shot to help him fully turn his shoulders and help him release the club from the inside.
John Hoskison is attached to the Newbury Golf Centre and plays on the European Seniors Tour. For further information visit John's website at
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