Galvin Green waterproof bucket hat review
Galvin Green waterproof bucket hat review offers you complete protection from the elements

When it really rains, a cap won’t cut it – even a waterproof cap, at that. A wooly hat – while warm – turns into a sponge when the heavens open.
In these scenarios there’s only one solution – the bucket hat. And the best product on the market comes from Galvin Green.
Pure class. Understated, and chic – just as you would expect from Galvin Green. Available in a number of colours, to match your outfit or fancy.
We wore this both out on the course, and then proceeded to step into the shower to test it out in extreme circumstances.
Galvin Green – leaders in the waterproof category – have produced a completely waterproof product that will keep your hair dry in the heaviest of downpours.
Thanks to Gore-Tex technology, while offering 100% rain cover, it is also light and foldable, allowing players to carry it around in their bag with ease.
The design allows the brim of the cap to cover most or your face from rain.
Combined with a waterproof suit, this hat will offer you supreme protection from rain.
Completely waterproof, and is also light and foldable.
Head to the Galvin Greenwebsite for more.