Williams Racing Golf MR driver review
Williams Racing Golf MR driver review
Due to Williams involvement in Formula 1, Williams Racing Golf is an expert when it comes to aerodynamics and manufacturing lightweight structures.

Williams Racing Golf MR driver review
Due to Williams involvement in Formula 1, Williams Racing Golf is an expert when it comes to aerodynamics and manufacturing lightweight structures.
You would expect, therefore, a WRG driver to be different from the norm, and that’s exactly what the MR driver is. It looks like a standard driver, but it doesn’t perform like one.
The WRG MR driver boasts a classic shape, which inspires confidence sat behind the ball. It boasts a deep face, which should inspire confidence, and the face contrasts with the crown. Added extras, like the winglets (explained below) give it a futuristic feel.
It would be nice to see some sort of an alignment aid on the crown, though.
The MR driver has a distinctive feel. Lively, but also slightly hollow. At first we had issues with the feel, but after a while it grew on us - like anything different, it took a while to adjust.
The most impressive aspect of the driver comes in the distance stakes. It’s not the longest big stick we’ve hit this year, but it's not far behind the boomers. It sits around five yards behind the leaders.
WRG utilises its aerodynamics knowledge to great effect. A trip on the crown minimises surface area contact with airflow, reducing drag, which works in cohorts with the diffuser, which controls the airflow over the soleplate. This seems to be paying dividends, as we enjoyed superb clubhead speeds with the driver.
We were also impressed with the stability of the club on the downswing and through the ball. It is nicely balanced, and you can feel the clubhead throughout the stroke. Winglets are employed to manage and control air flowing around the head and toe section, which aids the more stable path.
In terms of forgiveness, the driver was slightly below average. From the heel and the toe, in particular, we found there was a large amount of distance lost compared to when struck from the face. We also struggled to work the ball with ease, which better players may have an issue with.
The Williams Racing Golf MR boasts distance, and a pleasing aesthetic. The feel of the club grew on us, but there isn’t much forgiveness or workability on offer.
A solid opening driver model from WRG.
Head to the Williams Racing Golf website for more information.
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