MX-23s for more height
I’m a standard-fit for grip, club-length and lie but Howard was fitted with a lie in his irons that was ‘two degrees flat’ with shafts half an inch shorter than standard! He retained the regular shaft but because he hit the ball higher than me he could use the MP-60s I yearned for! He also delivers a slightly lower ball flight than he did before but with the right spin characteristics to suit his game.
Howard’s own driver, however, proves to be a perfect match for him. This cheers me up because, though he gets to buy those beautiful irons I covet, he can’t get a shiny new driver and his wayward hitting is merely down to ‘driver error’. He couldn’t blame the equipment.
In conclusion, Howard and I have been convinced that custom-fitting is definitely worth the time and effort. It might not be golf’s holy grail but it’s one of the vital ingredients that can contribute to making us all better players.
We’ll need to practice, and our short game will always be a vital key to scoring but if some of us don’t take the opportunity to get fitted we’re missing a trick.
By hitting a lot of different clubs at a range you can, by trial and error, pick out the right club to suit you (as Howard did with his driver), but chances are you’ll be playing with the wrong shafts (20 years of regular steel for me) or the wrong set up (two degrees flat for him).
As for cost, I’m lucky to be a standard lie and length giving me more options to shop around for cheaper prices on the internet. But I’ll need to ensure I’m buying a shaft to suit my game. Howard has less scope because he’ll need to visit a Mizuno outlet to have his clubs made to his own specification. However, he believes it’s money well spent.
To be super-critical, I’d have wanted to hit more balls with each shaft rather than just half a dozen. But Mark thought he’d seen enough to be objective with his options.
There was also the question of whether you fit the club to the swing or do you improve the swing then fit the club accordingly?
Last year a pro had me hitting less round my body and I consequently generated more height when I practised his recommendations. So a set of those elusive MP-60’s could yet be ideal if I have more lessons and work harder on the range.
As for Howard he has always had a flattish swing so the question is: if he learns to swing more upright should he be re-fitted? Mizuno recommends an annual fitting for club adjustment if you think your swing has moved on or changed through injury.
Mark, who offers a free and friendly expert service with no hard sell, had Howard hitting long straight draws rather than high weak pushes and fades inside 30 minutes flat!
We were impressed and now consider ourselves custom-fit converts.