You will not be-LEAF what this golfer has put in his bag!
We've never seen a golfer carry one of these before... it's a pretty smart idea though!

Sometimes in golf you just have to sit back, applaud and laugh.
A photo has emerged on social media this week of one savvy golfer who has decided to pack a leaf blower in his golf bag so he never loses a precious golf ball ever again during the Autumn months.
Thought I’d seen it all after 33 years working in golf. Playing in the medal today with his own leaf blower #imfindingmyball #noleavesonmyline
— Stuart Bottrill (@StuartBottrill) October 30, 2022
Yes, a leaf blower.
We can only assume this particular golfer had been reading all about this local leaf rule, which we spoke about in depth last month.
Related: Tiger Woods says he is contemplating using a yellow golf ball ahead of his return
But it begs the question... is it legal?
Well, it probably isn't within the spirit of the game unless all of your playing partners have one at their disposal.
But under Rule 15.1a, loose impediments may be removed by any means.
Which is to say, a leaf blower is a permissible way to remove loose impediments.

Here's how a number of golfers reacted:
A guy at our club pulled a mini-blower out of his bag last year during leaf season. Then again, he also carries a small fishing rod to give him something else to do when play is slow.
— dwright431 (@dwright431) October 30, 2022
C’mon that’s ridiculous
— Charles Sandison-Woods (@CSWGOLF) October 30, 2022
He’ll be bringing a lawn mower next time.
— Paul Cooper (@CoolioGeordie) October 31, 2022
We have played with them for years in MI. Its truly the only way to play in Fall and saves a ton of time of sweeping away leaves on greens and huge help finding balls that go into leaf areas! Don’t knock it until you try it
— John D Leach (@jdlmack) October 30, 2022
Love this idea @JoeMoschler
— Jatrizzo (@Jatrizzo420) October 31, 2022
This is genius @adamcox23 @steveneley1. Definitely needed for the 6th & 8th at Brean
— Jack Shepherd (@JackShep87) October 31, 2022
@JoshAntmann possibly the greatest Golfing No-No ever!
— Simøn Blakemørę (@simonblakemore) October 31, 2022
I’m all for it!! Hitting a bomb down the middle only to get lost in the leaves! It hurts
— Ross (@RossGabe) October 31, 2022
Great idea this , Leaves are very very dangerous this time of year, I refuse to drop a shot after hitting fairway and losing ball to leaf cover , refuse I say !
— John Smith (@JohnSmi75930261) October 31, 2022
We are all golfing in 2022, he is playing is 2100
— Chris Hall (@ChrisGrantHall) October 31, 2022
Ridiculous...but also, GENIUS! I have joked for years that courses should send each group out with one in the fall.
— ichael cFerren (@mrmcferren) October 30, 2022