Petition launched to have the reopening of golf courses debated in parliament
Do you want golf courses open during the third national lockdown in England? You can help by signing this petition...

A petition has been launched in an attempt to have the reopening of golf courses debated in parliament, after Prime Minister Boris Johnson placed England under a third national lockdown earlier this week.
In the past few weeks, COVID-19 has spread at an alarmingly fast rate due to the new strain that was recently found, causing thousands more to test positive for the virus and apply even more pressure on the NHS.
On Monday, the Prime Minister made the announcement that the country would be going into another lockdown in an attempt to slow the spread, which meant that golf courses and other outdoor sports facilities would be closed.
"Indoor gyms and sports facilities will remain closed," reads a statement on
"Outdoor sports courts, outdoor gyms, golf courses, outdoor swimming pools, archery/driving/shooting ranges and riding arenas must also close. Organised outdoor sport for disabled people is allowed to continue."
Immediately the GolfMagic inbox was packed with messages from our readers who couldn't understand why golf courses needed to close when so many people rely on the sport for daily exercise and social interaction.
"I'm not saying another national lockdown wasn't necessary, it's completely the right decision, but the Government needs to use a bit of common sense," said Jordan Phillips, member of Farleigh Golf Club in Surrey.
"Surely someone can see how stupid it is that we are allowed to walk along a golf course now in order to exercise, but I can't carry my own golf clubs with me at the same time."
In order for the topic to be considered for debate at parliament, the petition must receive at least 100,000 signatures and it has already accumulated over half of that.
If you feel that golf courses in England should be open during the current lockdown restrictions, click the link below and sign your name.
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