Golf club boss refuses to help collapsed barmaid
A golf club line manager refused to help his diabetic employee when he was off-duty

A FIRST-AID trained golf club line manager refused to help a collapsed diabetic employee while he was off-duty at Gorleston Golf Club.
The 53-year-old barmaid, Michele Polidano, has sued the club for constructive dismissal following Allen Gray's reluctance to help her when she fell unconcious during a shift at the Norfolk club.
Mrs Polidano resigned over the incident and, following the tribunal settlement, the Great Yarmouth Golf Club still refuses to apologise.
Referring to Mr Gray, panel judge Robin Postle said: "It was, putting it mildly, appalling behaviour, contemptuous and unacceptable for a responsible line manager.
"One has to bear in mind that if a hypoglycaemic attack goes untreated it could lead to cardiac arrest."
Following the announcement of the settlement, Mrs Polidano told the Daily Mail: "I’m just so pleased that it’s all over with. The last 11 months have been really, really stressful. I feel like my life has been on hold."
Golf club manager David James explained how Mrs Polidano was allowed to eat away from the bar if needed but the panel said Mr James found the truth an 'elusive concept'.
Despite what happened, Mrs Polidano still gave time to praise the club's members that came to her rescue in an incident that could have ended much worse.
"I get upset even thinking about it now, but if it wasn’t for them there’s a possibility I might not be here today. I was very fortunate.
"I was so shocked at the time that I resigned the next day. Personally I can’t imagine treating another human being that way. I’m still shocked at what he didn’t do."
"Most of them had no idea of what I was going through - I think a lot of them were surprised," added Mrs Polidano. "But every time I wanted to give up, they helped me to keep going."
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