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Set up in 1995, Eurobet was one of the pioneers of online sports betting. Acquired in 1999 by the Coral Group, Eurobet covers a variety of sports and provides services in five currencies and five languages. Eurobet has its own in-house analysts and programmers updating and developing the system and introducing exciting new ways for people to place bets online. is the Coral Group’s UK-based online sports betting service. Launched in March 2000, Eurobet makes it simple to place a bet over the Internet. Visitors to can find the latest odds, regularly updated, and place bets across all kinds of sports, all around the world. They can use their debit cards to lay the bet, or set up a personal account. Winnings are credited directly to the customers’ Eurobet account.
Eurobet is committed to working in partnership with some of the world’s leading sports teams and organisations, both as a provider of betting services and as a sponsor. Eurobet is the official online betting partner of Manchester United, the Official Bookmaker to the Formula 1 Powerboat World Championships 2000, co-sponsor of the Fuch’s Powerboat Racing Team, a primary sponsor of the Arrows F1 team, the title sponsor of the Eurobet Arrows F3000 team and the title sponsor of the Eurobet Seve Ballesteros Trophy golf tournament.
For further information, please contact: Karen Herbert / Sarah Rush at Hill and Knowlton
Ph. 0171 413 3207 / 0171 973 4462
Mob: 0973 971 035 / 07867797958
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