20 Questions with the caddies
Colin Montgomerie's caddy Alistair McLean answers 20 Questions

When I finished University, I was unemployed for two years. I started caddying for Sandy Steven; he had a tour card. I wanted to get out of Dundee, so I said that I would caddy for him for a while. I prepared for a few tour events, Cannes, Madrid and the Italian Open. All my accommodation was taken care of, I had bought my Lira’s and Peseta’s and I was determined to make a go of it. The problem was that Sandy did not get into the first two events because he had the 37th card at qualifying school. I ended up working for Phillip Harris. He must have been happy with me during my first week because he asked me to work for him in Madrid. I first discussed working with Monty in Thailand. He had just got rid of a caddy and employed a new one. He gave me his number and said to me if it didn’t work out with his new caddy, would I like to caddy for him. At the time, I was working with Mark Mouland. He was a great guy to work for, but he wasn’t making any money. In Cannes, Phillip ended up in 56th place. He earned £850 for his efforts. My wage was £150 basic and 5% of is winnings. £192.50 for my first cheque. In the Dutch Open, I added instead of subtracted from a yardage. The 11th hole was a par five. It was not possible to see the green from where we were and I was way out with my estimation, about thirty yards. I got a telling off, but Monty understood that I was not trying to stitch him up. I had a funny feeling that something was wrong, but I didn’t know what it was. Colin ended up hitting a three iron when a six-iron was the club. The ball ended up on the back edge of the green. An inch further and it would have gone down the hill and into a big thorny bush. Fortunately he made a birdie, so I got away with that one. The Ryder Cup is a great week but it is very hard work for me. Colin plays in every match, so by the end of the day I am exhausted. I think that my favourite event is the PGA at Wentworth. It is well organised, the course is great, the money is the best on the European Tour and Monty usually plays well around there. Well, I am a bit old for going out in the evenings now! Seriously though, the English events are the best. The America venues such as Miami and New Orleans are too dangerous for going out at night. I feel safer in the UK. It doesn’t matter where in Britain; there is always a good bar somewhere close. I like English Bitter. It is much better than the Scottish beers because it is less gassy. I am also fond of a bottle of wine now and then. A good Chianti or a Chateauneuf du Pape.
I think I must be the luckiest caddy in the world. I work for a player that makes stacks of money, he’s a funny guy, plays in all the top events with the best players in the world and doesn’t practice much. Working for Monty is the best job on tour. Our daily routine starts with breakfast then a forty-five minute warm up session then play a round. If Colin is not happy with a certain area of his game, he would rather change the offending club than practice getting it right. What a wonderful boss to have. The travel is not as glamorous as you might think and we do work some funny hours. Sometimes when we play 36 holes in one day, I get up early and go to bed late. That can be very tiring. Also, it is difficult to keep up with your friends at home. We are always on the move around the world and I miss keeping up to date with my mates. I am one of the fortunate caddies that can afford to take his girlfriend on tour. That helps a great deal. There have been a few. When Colin won the Order of Merit for the first time, that was cool, winning the Ryder Cup is always special. But the PGA Championship at Riviera is the best in my memory. He played fantastic golf all week and my job was simple because of that. He should have won there, but Elk made a good birdie to beat him. Giving Colin a phone call after I had finished with Mark Mouland. On the course, we make the decisions together. If we get it wrong, then we are both wrong. We talk a lot on the course. No. Monty hates links courses. It doesn’t suit his game. There is too much bounce and roll. His game is more suited to the parkland type of course or American venues. I like those because Colin usually plays well on those types of courses. I play off three, although I don’t play much now. For whatever reason he takes it out on me, it is completely forgotten about the next day. To be honest, his reputation is painted darker than it actually is. He doesn’t take it out on me; it’s just that he is mad at himself. That just means that he cares about the game. Ernie Els at Congressional! It was a great week for us but I would have loved to be in Ricky’s boots at the end. I was gutted, needless to say, so was Colin. I like to watch the football. Whichever Scottish team is playing the best, I tend to support. Raith Rovers are my team and I think that they need as much support as they can get. I try to keep Colin believing in himself. As I do all the way around the course. I have got to say many things so that Colin thinks about nothing. I work everything out so all Colin has to do is hit the club that I give him. It is that simple. |