Golf club manager abused position by stealing £2,500 worth of alcohol
"He was drinking 10 pints a day of snakebite, lager and cider combined."

A golf club manager abused his position by stealing close to £2,500 worth of alcohol, where it was revealed at Newcastle Crown Court that he had been "drinking 10 pints a day of snakebite, larger and cider combined."
According to an article in Chronicle Live, Stephen Falcus, 37, had held his post as clubhouse manager at Whickham Golf Club in Gateshead for eight years, but his drink problem spiralled out of control and consequently led to a heavy financial loss for the club.
Mr Falcus had been helping himself to £2,249 worth of drinks, according to the financial investigation from two auditors, who charged just under £1,000.
Neil Pallister, prosecuting, said: "He was clearly in a position of trust in the golf clu band worked, essentially, on his own.
"It appears he had falsified hand-written stock take figures to show a higher stock of Foster's and Strongbow and they were entered on the computer by staff, using figures provided by the defendant.
"He said he had a drink problem and was drinking 10 pints a day of snakebite, lager and cider combined.
"He would help himself to lager and cider from behind the bar without making payment."
Mr Falcus handed in his notice before the summer of 2019, and he then avoided a stock take handover when a couple were appointed to take over his position.
According to the club, a stock take in July flagged "significant discrepancies."
Mr Falcus, who has no previous convictions, pleaded guilty to theft and false accounting and was sentenced to four months suspended for 12 months with 100 hours unpaid work and must pay back £3,239 in compensation to the golf club.