Thief sold stolen driver on eBay
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Using eBay to sell a stolen golf club proved to be the downfall of a man from Buffalo, New York accused of stealing two drivers from a local pro shop. Staff at the pro shop - the Golf Dome - told state police that a man came into the shop twice and each time put a £400 driver down his trouser leg before leaving the store. The next day they spotted one of their drivers for sale on eBay, noticing the pro shop’s UPC code in the photograph. Subsequently the pro shop responded to the advertisement, posted the winning bid and a local policeman arranged a face-to-face meeting for the exchange. The man returned to the shop the following day and was recognised by the staff and called the cops, who responded and charged Justin Swack, 32, of with petty larceny. Currently one Golfmagic member - Ian Logendra from Glasgow - is appealing for the return of his colourfully distinctive golf clubs stolen from his car parked in the city recently. " I doubt there are any sets like it in the UK as it's all geeky golf stuff from Japan and the US put together specifically for me. They include a If any members are offered these clubs or see them in use, call your local police immediately. |
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