Steve Williams umbrella
Kiwi caddie backs golf canopy by Blunt

A New Zealand company has developed a revolutionary storm proof umbrella for golfers and enlisted Adam Scott’s caddie Steve Williams to endorse it.
The Blunt G1 umbrella will be launched at Golf Live consumer show at London Golf Club this week and be available for sale from June 11.
The revolutionary brolly, which will be available in a range of colours, will also probably be the most expensive on the market, retailing at £74.
But the makers claim it features so many novel benefits it will be worth the outlay.
Blunt Umbrellas, based in Auckland, claim it’s the first umbrella that doesn’t have sharp points on the end of the canopy and will be storm proof up to Wind Force 11 – 74mph to you and me. A tensioned canopy also combines with a flatter aerodynamic profile to make it easier to put up and take down.
Engineer Greig Brebner worked on his kitchen table with a glue gun and kite material to re-create his basic modern umbrella, the design of which he said hadn’t changed since it was invented in 1928 - with millions of products failing and ending up in landfill.
So to create his ‘personal weather protection canopy’ he worked towards a product that would out-perform everything on the market, beyond the capabilities of other umbrellas while looking elegant and stylish, too.
And the tall guy in him also wanted to make sure it was a product that didn’t keep poking him in the face!
He took his prototype to Auckland’s blustery One Tree Hill in stormy conditions to see if the weather could break it. It couldn’t. And when it also functioned in a wind-tunnel’s Force 12 blast, he got quite excited. The result is the innovative Blunt G1 umbrella.
Whether golfers will be prepared to shell out the equivalent of what they would pay for a wedge, a hybrid or a putter - the customers at Golf Live will probably decide.
Ever had an “interesting” experience with an umbrella? Tell us on the forum, or via our Twitter and Facebook feeds.
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