Butch backs putting aid

ProAim device ' is like having a coach at your shoulder all the time,' says Harmon. Find out more...

Butch backs putting aid

Butch backs putting aid
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Harmon with a pupil

A new training aid is being launched this week, which claims to seriously improve the way we putt.

No less a coach than Butch Harmon has given it his backing and uses ProAim spectacles at his own golf schools throughout the world.

The ProAim device – a ‘virtual guidance system’ - has a grid overprinted on the lenses of the spectacles, which identifies the path the putter should take to achieve a pure stroke – as long as you keep your head still.

Harmon says it helps to groove the right technique into your muscle memory and ensures the correct alignment in your field of vision.

Butch backs putting aid
Sunglasses guidance system.

Just like a digital distance calculator or a harness to maintain your golf swing, it’s illegal in competition play but remembering the image achieved by wearing these spectacles can help imprint an alignment in your subconscious together with a repeatable putting stroke.

"The ProAim system is designed to be the voice of the pro at your shoulder," says the makers, Greenhouse International from Pebble Beach ,California, "helping you groove the right technique into your muscle memory all the time."

Adds Harmon: "A golfer can spend many hours diligently practising but if they practise the wrong thing it's a waste of time. Worse still, they are grooving a swing that is full of flaws. ProAim provides the kind of instant feedback and self-correction that is essential to creating powerful, positive improvement in someone's game.

Butch backs putting aid
What the golfer sees.

"Creating a virtual alignment system that actually works has long been one of the 'holy grails' of instructional aids. I have seen them all – from goggles with slits in them, to wooden swing tracks, to string stretched between pencils stuck into the ground. ProAim is the first training system that successfully places a visual guide into the golfer's view without impairing his ability to see the club and the ball.

"It’s the best alignment training aid I have ever seen."

The system will cost £75, when distribution has been agreed in the UK and will be incorporated into a custom-designed pair of sunglasses. The package will also include an instruction booklet, a rigid carry case, Butch Harmon training video (or DVD), lifetime warranty on the lenses and a 30-day money back guarantee.

For further information visit www.proaim.com or call Dominic Byrne on 01273 462646.

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