Donald Trump reports significant LOSS in golf club income since taking office
Trump makes a loss on his golf courses in his first year as President of United States.
Donald Trump has seen his Trump-branded golf courses make him LESS MONEY in his first year as President of the United States than before he took office.
Trump reported that his golf-related revenue made him about $67 million less in 2017 in comparison with 2016 - a decrease of 24%.
Of the 17 golf companies listed on the filing, 14 of them saw losses from the previous year.
The President saw a 27% cut in his income from the Trump National Golf Course outside Washington, where he's visited more than 20 times since taking office.
He took the biggest hit, a 35% drop, at the Trump National Doral golf course. Trump reported $115,865,590 last year and $74,755,375 in the most recent filing.
In total, Trump carries as much as $1.25 billion in mortgages that will mature in the next five to seven years for three of his golf courses.
There was one new golf company listed that brought in $270,000 in income.
One positive, however, was Trump Turnberry which saw a $6 million spike in 2017 for a significant 41% increase.