Do you have to place your marker behind the golf ball on the green?
The rules of golf are an important part of the sport and sometimes, some of the most basic rules are unknown by golfers across the country.

During your golf round, you will probably mark your golf ball on every green. This is a common thing that golfers do during every round that they play.
Some golfers mark their ball to clean it and take off any dirt on the surface. Some golfers also mark their balls so that they can line up their putts with the alignment aid on the ball.
Nine times out of 10, golfers use coins to mark their ball but many people use proper ball markers and some people use tees in order to mark their ball.
Most players would put the marker behind the ball before they pick it up. The majority of players do not put the marker to the side or in front of the ball.
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But are you allowed to do this? Are you allowed to mark your ball by placing the marker to the side or in front?
The answer is yes. The rules of golf say that you can mark your ball on any side as long as you return the ball on the correct side of your marker.
You might put your marker on the side of the ball so that you don't interfere with your playing partner's next putt. This is 100% allowed and it is an important rule for you to absorb.
When you begin your golf career, this is one of the first rules that you are likely to learn and it is important to remember as many rules as possible.
If you are in a competition one day or a club match and someone pulls you up on marking your ball on the side or the front of the ball, make sure you refer them to the rules of golf.