Frank Nobilo – bunker tips.
Pick a spot from fairway traps
New Zealander Frank Nobilo was always a game for a laugh when it came to passing on knowledge – and once even dressed up with eye patch and pirate shirt – his ancestors were once buccaneering pirates in the Aegean Sea – to pass on some fascination golf instruction.
He is particularly adept out of bunkers and has his own swing thought from fairways traps.
"The key is to stay still and think of getting the ball early (before the sand). I focus on the exact spot on the ball I want to hit it and that gets the ball up quicker and over the lip," he told me.
"I also choke down on the club a little to allow for my feet being worked into the sand and concentrate on keeping my legs still with good balance. Swing easy not hard."
Belly your wedge from the fringe
With the rough at Oak Hill, thicker than you’d find in a field of cabbages and with the course so well manicured, inevitably balls finished against collars of grass surrounding the greens.
Using a putter is almost out of the question as the wide sole snags the rough on the backswing so many players used the ‘belly wedge’ approach.
This entails holding the handle of your sand-iron with a putting grip so the leading edge hovers level with the equator of the ball. You’re not trying to slide the face under the ball, merely to strike it halfway up with the leading edge, so it rolls with top spin towards the hole.
As the sand-iron is the heaviest club in the bag it’s easier to develop a pendulum swing and strike the ball consistently, especially when the hole is cut within 10-15 feet of the collar.
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