The Scorecard: What you should know
12 things to help you understand this key piece of equipment.

The golf scorecard is a vital piece of equipment. Not only is it an official record of your score for competitions and handicap application but it also identifies various local rules to consider.
It’s always advisable to include the date and tee time on any scorecard used in competition and for handicapping purposes – though not compulsory unless stated by the committee.
In singles competition always write your name clearly in the appropriate space on the card (Player A) together with your up-to-date handicap, which can normally be found on a regularly updated master list on the locker room or clubhouse noticeboard. It’s your responsibility to identify your handicap accurately.
Exchange cards Though golf is recognised is one of the fairest sports with the conduct of its competitors usually unimpeachable, it is compulsory to exchange cards with your playing companions before your round starts. Space is provided, usually in a column on the left hand side, for you to record your own gross score for each hole (on your playing companion’s card) and to match it with your official score at the end of the round.
Stroke holes/index It is the player’s responsibility to know the holes at which handicap strokes are to be given or received in matchplay.
In the column indicating which tee is being used it is recommended you circle the appropriate coloured box.
In singles strokeplay medal competition, it is compulsory that your gross score for each hole is recorded (ideally after each hole has been completed) correctly. If you return a score for any hole lower than actually taken, you are disqualified. If you return a score for any hole higher than actually taken, the score as returned stands.
The marker of the card is responsible for marking only the gross number of strokes for each hole where the competitor makes a net score equal to or less than the fixed score (Rule 32-1a)
Though there are spaces provided for your score for the ‘front’ nine holes (In), back nine (Out) and Total, it is not your responsibility to ensure the scores add up correctly.
Having exchanged cards back with your playing companions, check carefully that your score on your official card matches that which you have written in the ‘Marker’ column. Any disputes must be clarified before the cards are signed. Each card requires two signatures – your playing partner’s and your own.
As the competition demands the gross score for each hole after alternate shots (in greensomes the favoured drive is selected, with the player whose drive is not selected taking the next shot before alternate play), scores need only be record in column A.
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