New golf handicap changes mean golfers can play off handicaps up to 54!
Previously men could have a competition handicap of up to 28, and women up to 36.

A series of changes have been made to the CONGU handicap system as of January 1, none bigger than men and women now being able to play off a handicap of up to 54, with the buffer zone and downward adjustment being 6 and 0.6.
Prior to this year, men could only enter competitions with a handicap up to 28, with women up to 36.
The new category 5 for men and category 6 handicaps for both men and women are now in play. The changes were made due to ‘Club and Disability Handicaps’ being retired.
The CONGU website states: "Players will be able to maintain a Competition Handicap in all six categories.
"Upward adjustment for all categories will remain at 0.1 and downward adjustments for Net Differentials below Buffer Zones will be 0.5 for Category 5 and 0.6 for Category 6.
"After 1st January 2018, Handicap Committees can increase handicaps above the current limits of 28.0 and 36.0, and they will also increase above those limits automatically as a result of above Buffer Zone returns in Qualifying Competitions and Supplementary Score submissions."
Before the changes, men and women who did not have the ability to play off either 28 or 36 respectively, could own a higher handicap but they would not be able to play off them in competitions.
Other changes to the handicap system include supplementary scores being relaxed. This means that players above Category 1 can submit an unlimited number per year. The rule for one per week has also been scrapped.
Category 1 players, with a handicap of 5.4 or lower, can only return supplementary cards between September 1 and December 31 if they haven’t met the required amount of qualifying rounds.
Mixed tee competitions will now have a single CSS, meaning that all scores from a mixed tee competition will be entered into one competition, to gain the overall CSS, and then the scores will be separated into the different competitions.
Nine-hole medal and nine-hole open competitions have also been introduced, and then for the handicap purposes scores will be converted to stableford and will appear as stableford on the golfer’s handicap record.
Another interesting addition is in regards to the annual review. The adherence to Appendix M (which is in regards of the annual review and general play reviews) is now mandatory for all members.
Please visit the CONGU website for full details on the new changes for 2018.
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