England Golf to send out World Handicap System toolkits to golf clubs
England Golf wants golf clubs to inform their members of the upcoming changes to golf handicaps this November...

England Golf has confirmed it will unveil a World Handicap System (WHS) toolkit to help golf clubs up and down the country better inform their members of the impending changes about to happen from November 2.
The new toolkit, which will be titled 'Know the Score', will be sent out to 1,817 golf clubs in England next month and will also be available to download from englandgolf.org/whs.

One of the biggest changes to the WHS, which will unite six handicapping bodies across the globe under one standardised system, is a maximum handicap of 54.
The toolkit will reveal the purpose of the WHS, how to calculate a handicap index, course and slope rating, playing handicap and acceptable formats for scoring.
The goal behind the new system is to allow handicaps to be truly portable and to make for a fairer and more equitable system of accurately calculating a golfer's current playing ability.
"It’s important to realise that WHS does not change how golf is played, just how a handicap is calculated," said England Golf CEO, Jeremy Tomlinson.
"I’m confident golfers will very quickly understand the system and embrace the change. This toolkit has been designed with the priority of supporting our affiliated clubs.
"The ‘Know the Score’ campaign will make it easier for golfers to quickly understand and adapt to the new handicapping index.
"We believe the introduction of a global, portable, fair and equitable handicapping system is another key element in the modernisation of our great game."
For more information about the World Handicap System, please visit the England Golf website.