REVEALED! 84 percent of golfers comfortable returning to the course
We asked our readers if they're comfortable heading back out to the golf course following the latest government guidelines...

After U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson addressed the nation on Sunday evening to provide the latest COVID-19 lockdown update, many people felt a little confused with the new rules, but one that was made perfectly clear is that golf courses have been given the green light to reopen.
England Golf announced that golf courses in England can be open to the public from Wednesday 13th May if they wish to do so, with a maximum of two players per group, which can be a friend from another household if you so wish.
LATEST: Golfers in England can play with someone outside their household
Following the news, we wanted to know from our readers how they feel about returning to the course following the latest announcement.
In a poll on Instagram, 86 percent of the vote stated that they will be returning to the golf course once they start to reopen this week, leaving 14 percent saying they won't be.
On Facebook, we posed the question asking our readers if they feel comfortable playing golf with someone from outside their home, which received close to 200 comments.
The opinions were mixed, with most people saying that they definitely feel comfortable heading back out on the course, but there were others who believe that this is a bad call from the government.
"I feel more at risk in my local shops than stood near my pals at golf, I’m sure playing golf with just one of them giving each other plenty of space is about the lowest risk activity I could do."
"Should be fine as long as we keep 6 foot apart, missed the golf I play and practice 5 times a week this time of the year and a member of 2 clubs so can't wait to get back."
"This is two months too late! The golf course was always a safe place to exercise! You see all those people on the news sitting together in parks and beaches whilst we haven't been able to play on a quiet golf course. Finally they've come to their senses."
"Yes! They should never have been forced to close in the first place as long as social distancing measures are in place."
"I live in Northern Ireland. If I could get to England I would have no problem playing and following social distancing rules."
"Absolutely. About time common sense was applied. I am more nervous going to work on construction sites and shopping but I have done that for the last 7 weeks, whilst the courses were shut."
"I’ve missed golf a lot but no I won’t be rushing back! Why can we now play golf with one other friend but I’m still not supposed to go and visit a family member? It’s ridiculous."
"Can they be sure that all golf staff are protected from Covid-19? Just think theres more to life than golf at this moment."
"I think this could end up being a mistake. Courses rushing to reopen their doors and now you can play with friends? The government needs to be stricter and just keep the rules in place until this is all dealt with."
"Not to sure to be fair, I have self isolated for the past six weeks, don’t know how all this is going to work."
"So I can play golf with my friend but can’t go and see my brother? The rules are a joke."