Cleveland TFI 2135 Satin putter range review
Cleveland TFI 2135 Satin putter review: new insert and face milling for 2018.

Cleveland have six models in their TFI 2135 Satin putter line-up for 2018.
Each putter has a unique face milling pattern, offering forgiveness on miss-hit shots. Other brands do something similar, but Cleveland have taken it a step further by tweaking each face depending on the design of the putter.
There’s a new soft polymer insert, and the raised sightline has been...raised, in order to get players aligned correctly.
Prices range between £119-139, with counterbalance options costing more.
Golfers can choose from more traditional designs or progressive products.
We like the finish, and the silver on black works well.
Looking down on the raised sight line didn’t put us off at all.
A softer, more responsive feel, which will especially help on lag putts. A big improvement for 2018.
We were fanboys of the original 2135 range, and are mightily impressed Cleveland have managed to find another level.
Whether you are looking for a classic smooth blade or high MOI mallet, the range offers excellent designs that should satisfy all tastes.
The putters blend required attributes superbly, with feel, forgiveness and balance being the forte.
The raised sight line is a big plus, especially for those players that struggle setting up to the hole correctly. It’s incredibly simple to use, and because you are looking down on it you don’t even realise you’re using it.
While it’s difficult to tell how much effect the different faces used on the designs have, the theory seems watertight, and the range certainly offers ample help.
An excellent line of putters at a competitive price point. Better feel in 2018, and amending the face milling for each design seems to pay dividends.