Review: Clicgear 3.5+
We took the three-wheel push trolley out for a spin

Clicgear 3.5+
The Clicgear 3.5+ is a three-wheel pushcart with all the mod-cons any golfer could want.
The first thing to talk about is the appearance of the cart as most golfers don’t want to walk the fairways looking like a wolly – the emphasis is on the word ‘most’ there.
From the outset, the trolley looks sturdy, well-built and of the highest quality. It looks built to last and comes in a variety of colours to suit every golfer.
When folded up, it’s slightly on the heavy side so you want to be driving this one to the course rather than carrying it a great distance.
When you’re late for a tee time, the last thing you want to be doing is cursing as you spend 10 minutes trying to unfold your trolley – this won’t be happening with the 3.5+. It’s so easy to unfold that even the most academically challenged golfer will be erecting it in no time.
Large handles with ‘pull’ and ‘push’ show you the way and there is a minimal amount of work to do considering the small bundle which it folds down into.
Once up and running, it takes no time to click your bag in. Over the couple of rounds I played with it, there was never an occasion when my bag slipped out of its housing.
The trolley is easy to push and a brake comes in handy when stopping on a slope. The main handle can easily be adjusted to suit the user, a useful added extra.
When unfolded it’s hard to believe what it weighs when compacted. Large aluminum tubes give it a rigid feel but it is incredibly light when you put it into practice.
The large wheels makes the ride as smooth as possible and they spin at ease, meaning you exert the least amount of energy during your round. Long lasting rubber and airless tyres, negating punctures, mean the wheels are hassle free and should last for yonks.
The bofs at Clicgear really have thought of everything with this one. There’s a cup holder, umbrella unit, large storage net and storage pouch. It means you can enjoy your round knowing that come rain or shine, your trolley will be there to look out for you when you need it most.
Colours: Grey/Yellow, Grey/Orange, Grey/Lime, Grey/Black, White/Lime, White/Orange, White/Pink, White/White, Grey/Black
RRP: £199
This is among the best trolleys on the market. Rigid, easy to assemble and boasting a load of extras, Clicgear has produced a top-quality push cart.